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Инструкция для Timberk THU UL 04

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Thank you for a good choice and purchase of Timberk humidifier, it wiii 

serve you for a iong time.

Table of contents

1. Important information...........................................................11

2. Safety measures...................................................................11
3. Technicai characteristics........................................................ 12
4. Description of the unit...........................................................12
5. Fiiiing tank with water........................................................... 13
6. Operation of the unit.............................................................14
7. Cartridge fiiter with ion exchange resin...................................... 15
8. Cieaning and maintenance of the unit........................................ 16
9. Troubleshooting................................................................... 16

1.  Important Information

To improve product quaiity, its design, scope of deiivery or 

manufacturing process can be revised without advance notice.

The text and digitai notations in this manuai may have misprints.

Shouid  you  have  any  questions  on  the  functioning  and  operation  of  the 
device, piease refer to the seiier or a specialized service center to receive 
ciarifi cation.

There is a iabei on the product, indicating aii necessary technicai data 
and other usefui information regarding the device.

Use the device oniy for purposes, stated in this manuai.

The humidifier is intended to automaticaiiy maintain the preset ievei of 

reiative humidity indoors. Comfortabie conditions are achieved at 
reiative humidity ranging from 40 to 60%. if the actuai humidity goes 
beiow the ievei you set then the humidifier wiii switch on automaticaiiy 
and operate untii the set reiative humidity level is achieved, after that 
the humidifier switches off automaticaiiy (for modeis with the automatic 
operation mode).
insufficient air humidity resuits in drying of mucous membranes, which 
in its turn is the reason for decrease in immunity, headache, iip cracking, 
"sandpaper" in the eyes, it aiso enabies infection spreading and 
respiratory tract diseases, causes fatigue, resuits in increased eye fatigue

and worsening of attention focusing, it has a negative effect on the 

condition of pets and house piants, causes increase of dust generation 
and, increase of eiectrostatic charge of synthetic fabrics, as weii as 
carpets and synthetic fioor coatings, it causes damage of wooden 
furniture and especiaiiy parquet floors, it negativeiy affects tuning of 
musicai instruments.

2.  Safety measures

Prior  to  operation  of  the  humidifier  carefuiiy  read  this  operation  manuai 
and save it for further use.

A number of safety measures shouid be foiiowed upon operation of the 
device, improper operation due to ignoring precautions may resuit in 
damaging of user's and other peopie's heaith, as weii as damaging their 


The humidifier is intended for operation in iiving rooms subject to the 

indicated operation conditions. The use of the humidifier for purposes 
other than that intended may cause situations, hazardous for the iife and 
heaith of peopie.

The eiectric appiiance must be kept watched during its operation, 
especiaiiy if there are chiidren in the vicinity. The unit is not intended to 

be used by peopie (inciuding chiidren) with iimited physicai, sensory or 
inteiiectuai capabiiities, having insufficient experience and knowiedge, 
uniess they are supervised or received instructions on how to use the 
unit from a person, responsibie for their safety, it is necessary to be 
carefui that chiidren do not piay with the unit.
Do not use the unit for purposes, not specified by this operation manuai. 
it is forbidden to use the humidifier if the power cord or a piug are 
damaged, as weii as if the humidifier is broken, damaged as a resuit of 

faiiing or under other circumstances. The humidifier must be operated 
fuiiy assembied oniy.
To prevent burns upon operation of the humidifier do not touch the 

humidifier's membrane (for uitrasonic modeis). Due to high osciiiations 

frequency the membrane heats up very much.

High-frequency  osciiiations  of  the  ultrasonic  humidifier  membrane  are 
not audibie and compieteiy safe for peopie and pets.

To  prevent  an  eiectric  shock,  the  damaged  power  cord  must  be  repiaced 
oniy in authorized service centers by quaiifled speciaiists.
To prevent an eiectric shock, do not piace the power cord next to 

heating appiiances and flammabie or combustibie substances.

To prevent injuries and damage to property, do not try to repair the 

humidifier on your own.

www.timberk.ru • ultrasonic humidifier 11

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Инструкции для увлажнители воздуха Timberk